
So you want to start your own business?


So you want to start your own business

I think everyone has thought about this at one time or another.  But let’s be honest and realize that it’s very hard to be successful in starting a new business.

According to Tony Robbins’ numbers 50% of new businesses fail in the first year, 80% are gone by year five, and only 4% make it to be in business after 10 years..

That is why it makes so much sense to use an expert or coach to help guide you through all the steps and hurdles along the way. 

In my case, my company, AeroCoat, is currently in its 15th year of operation. 

But AeroCoat wasn’t my first venture. I probably had three or four failed ventures before AeroCoat.

You can learn a lot by listening to someone like myself who’s been there and made mistakes before finally figuring it out. 

You do not need to reinvent the wheel yourself. 

I would be happy to share my stories with you at any time in order for you to shorten your learning curve..

Call me at any time to talk to me about your business idea…..

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My Story

Did this ever happen to you?
If it didn’t yet it probably will someday.

 You take inventory of your life so far and you realize that you have a great job, you have a great family, you have a nice house . Yet on this day you realize you’re working too hard and can’t enjoy any of it.. Working hard at a 9 to 5 job along with commuting back & forth to work doesn’t leave much time to do anything else of any merit.  That experience happened to me a few years into my promising career in Corporate America.  On that day  I decided I needed to change course and do something to start my own business.  And thus began Dickie’s Great Adventure…

I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do but I had a feeling that I just had to do something, anything. Thus I did a real crazy not-recommended thing and quit my promising job in Corporate America and essentially left without prospects for a better position and started a not too-well thought out consulting company.   And that was followed by a series of positions in a variety of industries which led to me experiencing a lot about industry and working in general. Included in the experience were assignments as a construction site manager, a convention center manager, experience in a multi level marketing company, owner and operator of a small Italian restaurant, followed by a consulting job with a paint company which led to some experience in sales and marketing in the paint industry. All of this very good experience paid off in many ways when it came time to start my own business. So with a great idea of attacking a neglected niche market I started an aerospace paint distributor business. And after 15 years at it I can say that I have far exceeded anything I ever dreamed of with this business.. It is a true family business which now includes my ex-wife and features my two college-educated sons as key contributors to this business at this time.
Now it is time for me to step back and tell the story of everything that contributed to the success of that company and to my longevity and to teach other people starting out in business some of the do’s and don’t’s that I’ve discovered along the way.. Hence I am calling my new business The Helpful Expert because that is what I want to be….

Great Book on Diabetes

A Great Book on a 30-Day Cure of Diabetes

An excellent guide to healthier eating and habits is The 30 Day Diabetes Cure by Dr. Stephen Ripich.  In a simple day-by-day soft-cover guide this publication will teach you distinctions and habits which will lead to healthier eating and activities.  You do not have to have or develop diabetes to benefit from this book.   I highly recommend that you get a copy of this and use it as a reference book.. Available from Amazon.

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