
My Story

Did this ever happen to you?
If it didn’t yet it probably will someday.

 You take inventory of your life so far and you realize that you have a great job, you have a great family, you have a nice house . Yet on this day you realize you’re working too hard and can’t enjoy any of it.. Working hard at a 9 to 5 job along with commuting back & forth to work doesn’t leave much time to do anything else of any merit.  That experience happened to me a few years into my promising career in Corporate America.  On that day  I decided I needed to change course and do something to start my own business.  And thus began Dickie’s Great Adventure…

I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do but I had a feeling that I just had to do something, anything. Thus I did a real crazy not-recommended thing and quit my promising job in Corporate America and essentially left without prospects for a better position and started a not too-well thought out consulting company.   And that was followed by a series of positions in a variety of industries which led to me experiencing a lot about industry and working in general. Included in the experience were assignments as a construction site manager, a convention center manager, experience in a multi level marketing company, owner and operator of a small Italian restaurant, followed by a consulting job with a paint company which led to some experience in sales and marketing in the paint industry. All of this very good experience paid off in many ways when it came time to start my own business. So with a great idea of attacking a neglected niche market I started an aerospace paint distributor business. And after 15 years at it I can say that I have far exceeded anything I ever dreamed of with this business.. It is a true family business which now includes my ex-wife and features my two college-educated sons as key contributors to this business at this time.
Now it is time for me to step back and tell the story of everything that contributed to the success of that company and to my longevity and to teach other people starting out in business some of the do’s and don’t’s that I’ve discovered along the way.. Hence I am calling my new business The Helpful Expert because that is what I want to be….

It’s A Marathon, Not A Sprint

It's a Marathon,...
Not a Sprint!

If you are to have success in this world it will take a lot of time and a lot of work on your part. 
So you better be prepared for a long run, a marathon not a sprint.  That’s why you must work on your health…

Emerson wrote that Health is the first Wealth and he was right.
Because without your health the rest of your life pretty much falls apart. 

You cannot be productive and get the things done that will make you successful and happy….

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The Power of Focus

Everyone of us has an exceptionally powerful gift inside of us in our power to focus. At any given time we can drop everything we’re doing and thinking about and just focus on one important thing. This is a secret in life to getting things done and doing things well and then being happy as a result.

How to focus our minds:

Focusing is a skill that can be worked on and improved.. need to quiet our minds and unclutter our thoughts… and be aware of what you are doing and what is around you…

Some tips:

Must be healthy & feel good. This is very important. You will not focus well if you don’t feel well. It was Emerson who said “Health is the 1st Wealth”. And he was correct. Without your health everything else falls apart. Life is a marathon not a sprint. Think long-term.. Start paying attention to your health now…. Think about the Dick Creek story, still having kids at 50. Starting his own business, AeroCoat at age 60. You must be prepared for the long-haul…

We must not be tired. 

We should not be hung over.

Multitasking is a myth.Nobody can truly do two things at the same time and well. To be truly effective we must strive to do only one thing at a time and to do it well. This is the power of focus…

Think of it this way, at any given time there can only be one most important issue in your life. And that’s what you should be working on and thinking about at that moment.

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