
The magic of Cinnamon:


A gem from Dr Ripich’s book is his enthusiastic endorsement of the use of cinnamon.  According to him:
” This common spice is mother nature’s glucose reducer. Eat a little every day to lower your blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation.”
Add as little as one-half teaspoon into your morning coffee or sprinkle it onto your breakfast cereal to “spice up your day”.

Great Book on Diabetes

A Great Book on a 30-Day Cure of Diabetes

An excellent guide to healthier eating and habits is The 30 Day Diabetes Cure by Dr. Stephen Ripich.  In a simple day-by-day soft-cover guide this publication will teach you distinctions and habits which will lead to healthier eating and activities.  You do not have to have or develop diabetes to benefit from this book.   I highly recommend that you get a copy of this and use it as a reference book.. Available from Amazon.

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Exercise vs Nutrition

Exercise vs Nutrition

Pay attention, Life Lesson Alert:

Many times the best lessons are the lessons we learn the hard way.  Case in Point: I have only recently, let’s say in the last 10 years, come to realize that my focus on Health & Fitness has not been entirely correct. By that I mean I have strongly favored Exercise over Nutrition.  So forever I have exercised and played every kind of sports imaginable but with little regard to nutrition. I had mistakenly thought that you could eat almost anything if you exercise enough. Come to find out that without proper nutrition your exercise is not optimally benefitted. And without proper nutrition other aspects of your health can suffer.

Both are important but Nutrition should be favored over Exercise In about the ratio of 60/40.

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