The Power of Focus

Everyone of us has an exceptionally powerful gift inside of us in our power to focus. At any given time we can drop everything we’re doing and thinking about and just focus on one important thing. This is a secret in life to getting things done and doing things well and then being happy as a result.

How to focus our minds:

Focusing is a skill that can be worked on and improved.. need to quiet our minds and unclutter our thoughts… and be aware of what you are doing and what is around you…

Some tips:

Must be healthy & feel good. This is very important. You will not focus well if you don’t feel well. It was Emerson who said “Health is the 1st Wealth”. And he was correct. Without your health everything else falls apart. Life is a marathon not a sprint. Think long-term.. Start paying attention to your health now…. Think about the Dick Creek story, still having kids at 50. Starting his own business, AeroCoat at age 60. You must be prepared for the long-haul…

We must not be tired. 

We should not be hung over.

Multitasking is a myth.Nobody can truly do two things at the same time and well. To be truly effective we must strive to do only one thing at a time and to do it well. This is the power of focus…

Think of it this way, at any given time there can only be one most important issue in your life. And that’s what you should be working on and thinking about at that moment.

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