To me mindfulness means focusing on only one thing at a time and truly enjoying the experience.
This could be viewed as exactly opposite to the practice of multitasking which is a very popular concept these days.
But in fact I am not convinced that multitasking is entirely possible.
By that I mean I don’t know that you can do two things at the same time and certainly do two things at the same time well.
To practice mindfulness you need to simply put all of your energy and focus on the task at hand.
For example, while eating, feel the sensation of tasting the food, eating slowly, and savoring every bite.
Our tendency while eating is to additionally occupy ourselves while we are eating by reading the newspaper or checking emails online. But this takes away from the wonderful experience of eating.
If nothing else practicing mindfulness should result in lessening stress which is really an important objective.
More on reducing stress later.
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